H2S Management
Supplying into the landfill gas and biogas markets, Organics provides H2S management solutions and durable equipment to combat hydrogen sulphide. Its control and removal is our business.
If you would like a quotation for removing H2S from your biogas stream click on the button below to provide us with more information and we’ll get back to you in short order:

H2S Management Technologies for The Removal of Hydrogen Sulphide
Vertical vessels
The vertical H2S scrubber for biogas is a standard configuration for the control and removal of hydrogen sulphide. Located on the vacuum side of the gas blowers, the unit provides an effective buffer for high concentrations of H2S formed during the process of anaerobic digestion of organic material.
Horizontal vessels
The horizontal, modular construction is well-suited to remote locations, being suitable for transfer in standard transport containers and assembled on site. It is also a useful configuration if there is a constraint on the height of equipment.
There is a wide range of possible applications for in-vessel bio-scrubbing of hydrogen sulphide. Organics is interested to tackle difficult and unusual applications and we are available for consultation for any challenge or perceived problem related to the generation of H2S from the anaerobic digestion of organic material.
Ancillary equipment
Organics is able to offer a range of ancillary plant and equipment, from open and enclosed flares to anaerobic digesters and wastewater treatment facilities. Turnkey contracts in which equipment is supplied to ensure effective and commercially viable delivery of clean biogas is our speciality.

Understand the Challenge;
Define and Apply the H2S Management Solution
Define objectives
Data collection at the outset should be directed towards understanding the performance objectives of the finished facility. As well as the straightforward requirement to reduce H2S, there are often other equally important factors which must be addressed, such as the rate of start-up and the ability to respond to rapid changes in loading.
Define constraints
There are often many constraints to a specific installation. These include aspects which may be obvious, such as access limitations, as well as less obvious issues, such as the maximum gas temperature on the inlet and fluctuating pressures.
Define solution
Once a clear picture has been obtained of the situation in which equipment performance is to be expected, it will be possible to commence the process of conceptually building a solution. Where this is a standard application, such as with POME biogas, this will be a matter of choices. Should an untested application be involved, care must be taken to address all requirements and constraints.
The final stage of the process is delivery. From detailed design, through procurement, manufacture, delivery, installation and commissioning, there are many details which must be coordinated. Through regular internal and external reporting, as well as maintenance of on-line systems, Organics keeps tabs on all aspects of construction, delivery and commissioning.
Experience gained through multiple applications in a range of diverse duties.
Organics has been active in the process industries, constructing bespoke plant for client-specified duties, since 1985. First technologies were combustion engineering, for the safe flaring of hazardous gases, and the utilisation of renewable gases, such as landfill gas, biogas and syngas. The first H2S bio-scrubber was commissioned in 2005 to deal with biogas feed to a gas engine. Since then experience and expertise has been enriched and extended and we are now able to offer our clients a wide range of treatment technologies suitable for any task.
Key Design Data
The key parameter to define to establish preliminary sizing is the maximum hydrogen sulphide mass loading. This is obtained from the gas flow rate and the mass removal rate of H2S, i.e. the influent concentration minus the effluent concentration. To define materials of construction the pressure, temperature and corrosive nature of the gas flow must be determined.
Please contact us for further H2S management analysis. We would be delighted to assist with your project
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